
USA break mixed 4x100m medley world record - again

Lilly King, Matt Grevers, Simone Manuel and Caeleb Dressel (AP)
Lilly King, Matt Grevers, Simone Manuel and Caeleb Dressel (AP)

Budapest - The United States broke the world record for the mixed 4x100m medley relay for the second time on Wednesday to win world championship gold, just hours after lowering the mark in the heats.

The American quartet of Matt Grevers, Lilly King, Caeleb Dressel and Simone Manuel clocked three minutes 38.56 seconds with Australia taking silver, 2.65 seconds back.

Canada and China shared bronze after both finished 2.69 seconds behind.

In the morning heats, the USA shattered the previous record with a time of 3:40.28.

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They have NO chance! I'm calling a group stage exit.
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They'll get through the group but then be eliminated in the knockouts. Same old, same old!
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This is our year! The Proteas can go all the way with their star players.
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